The aim of this paper is to show that the Macedonian Roma are unlawfully not allowed to leave Macedonian borders and they are subject to discriminatory practices and limitation of their rights. Macedonian authorities have to find a proper solution of the problem with the asylum seekers that does not confront the basic human rights and dignity.
The research paper is organized in four sections: Firstly, I am presenting the factual background of the situation in Macedonia regarding the visa-liberalization and the measures taken by the Macedonian government and the European Union. Secondly, I write about the freedom of movement, the concept, legal frame (national and international), state obligations and the violations that are done towards Roma. In the next part I analyze the asylum seekers from international perspective and the usage of the term fake-asylum seekers. In the last part I describe the concept and the negative aspects of ethnic profiling and discrimination in Macedonian borders (including national and international legal frames).