"Training Roma youth leaders and activists for promoting human rights and taking action against discrimination".
The Youth Department of the Council of Europe is launching a CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS for a training course
"Training Roma youth leaders and activists for promoting human rights and taking action against discrimination".
The residential training seminar will take place in Budapest, 21 - 29 October 2012.
The training course aims to empower and develop the competences of Roma youth leaders and activists to take action, at local, national and European levels, against discrimination and anti-Gypsyism based on human rights and active youth participation.
The deadline to apply is Friday, 7 September 2012. All candidates must apply online, completing the application form through this link: http://youthapplications.coe.int/
For further information and questions, please contact Nina Kapoor / Jackie Lubelli at eyc.programme@coe.int
Course description in English and in Romani. Please disseminate as widely as possible!