Democracy in Crisis? Man Convicted of Calling Roma ‘Animals’ Elected to European Parliament

shocking news from Slovakia that reveals the deep crisis of democratic values in the European Union remaines poorly covered by the mainstream media in Europe. A politician, who in 2019 was sentenced by the Slovakia’s Supreme Court to pay EUR 10,000 in fines for anti-Roma racism and was expelled from the Slovak Parliament based on the court decision, is now entering the European Parliament. The article is taken from EU Roma press 

The Romani IT web Portal from Bajram Ramadan

 This portal, in addition to serving to inform the Roma community about information technology in the area of hardware and software, we will also have interviews and presentations of Roma digital creators who work on various topics: programming, design, video editing, 3D animation, etc. 

We are starting to develop in a good direction, we have engineers, programmers, designers, video editors who are real professionals in their work. Today, believe it or not, we have the first Roma woman with a degree in IT engineering - Department of Computer Systems and networks. 

We have young people studying and studying who will be engineers, programmers, designers, etc. in the future. I think we are stuck somewhere back in 1971, when the Roma flag and the Roma anthem were brought, from then to today nothing has been changed or even digitized. In general, we are passive people and we wait for someone else to do the work for us. 

You can find more information in any other language than in ours. It is the idea that the Romani IT Community serves as a Roma Community that will contribute to the development and digitization of the Roma identity, language, culture, business, etc.

The article is taken from RomaniIT web Portla ,below is the link :


Aby further information please contact Bajram Ramadan 

Burhan Zekir-Cmputer Science from Macedonia -In Romani Language

Mli licno cel  te motivirina so povise o Roma te keren buti ili pak te studirinen IT”

Zdravo šaj li te vakere amenge pobuter bašo tuke, so isitut zavšimo em soske baš odova biringan te siklove?Namaste mo anav i Burhan Zekir thaj isi ma 30 bers. Besava ko Skopje, thaj sijum barikano ROM. Mi romni si Diplomirano Labaratorisko Bioinzineri, thaj isiman 4 bersengiri chaj koja tani so posebni potrebi ili austicen spektar.
📌 Sredno obrazovanie 2012 bers, ki najphari gimnazija ki Makedonija potocno ko Rade Jovcevski-Korchagin ko prirodno matematicko smeri za pokasno te zavrsinav Informatika ko Slavjanski univerziteti kate ovava Diplomirino informaticki inzinjer smer kompjuterski sostemi i mrezi 2018/19 godina.
📌 Napal odova produzinava ko master studije thaj zavrsinava len ko isto univerzitet 2022 godina so naziv Magister po Informaticki nauki otsek Kompjuterski sistemi i mrezi.📌 Akaja oblast odnosno informatika pojavisalili mange mangipe taro 14 bers kote mo dat primetingama deka dzala mange te arakav softverska solucije baso telefonija kompjuterija itn, za posle te posetinav but kursija tari Semos Edukacija kote sium sine delumno stipendisti baso Microsoft System Server Administrator (Windows 7 2012r12).

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