Return program a 'bribe': Roma official
19/09/2012 - Little more than two months into a federal government pilot project that promises free flights home to some failed asylum claimants rather than prolong the appeal process, the numbers indicate many of the 91 individuals returned so far were sent to Hungary.
The situation is raising concerns in the Roma com-munity. According to the Canada Border Services Agency, Hungarians - the bulk of whom are said to be Roma - are the top users of the Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration Pilot Program which began in the Greater Toronto Area on June 29.
The program provides free airfare and up to $2,000 in in-kind resettlement ser-vices to eligible claimants if they agree to give up their fight for refugee status.
Roma Community Centre executive director Gina Csanyi-Robah likened the program to a "bribe" and said many people are "misinformed" about it.