Roma discrimination in Europe - extracts of the joint debate EP-Amnesty International

Type: NEWS   Reference: 93305   Duration: 00:05:10  Lieu: European Parliament, Brussels 
End production: 09/04/2013   First transmission: 09/04/2013A joint debate on the topic of Roma discrimination in the EU was held today at the European Parliament. The panel discussion 'How can it happen here? Roma discrimination in Europe' was conducted by Amnesty International and the European Roma Policy Coalition (ERPC). With the approach of International Roma Day yesterday the 8th of April, both organisations challenged the EU to do more to end discrimination against Roma people. More than a decade after EU adoption of the Race Equality Directive that bans racial or ethnic-based discrimination, Roma people across the continent continue to face widespread discrimination in areas including access to housing, health care, employment and education. The 6 million Roma people who live among the 27 EU countries fall far below national averages on almost all human development indicators: eight out of ten are at risk of poverty, and only one in seven young adults completes secondary education.