Study identifies need for an extra hundred Gypsy pitches in Cardiff
"They have achieved a 70% sample (60 interviews) compared to the previous study which was based on a 17% sample (25 interviews).”
The study also identifies a need for a transit site of around ten pitches, which should be located near the M4 to meet the needs of Gypsy and Travellers who are visiting the area or travelling through it. This will be progressed through a process of dialogue with other councils in the region.
Councillor Cook added: “The study concludes that a transit site need not necessarily fall within the boundaries of the County of Cardiff and recommends entering a cross boundary process with our neighbouring councils and across South East Wales to identify a suitable site within the region.
“The findings of this survey will be used in the preparation of the Deposit LDP to help inform the development of the criteria that will be used to identify potential new Gypsy Traveller residential sites. The Deposit LDP is scheduled to appear at the September Cabinet Meeting and be debated by Council later in the month. Public consultation will follow, so everyone will have the opportunity to comment on these issues. More immediately these finding were presented to the Community & Adult Scrutiny Committee (CASC) on Tuesday.
"A separate study being undertaken by Atkins Limited is looking at the options for the future of the existing Rover Way Gypsy and Traveller site.”