First destruction drew 41,000 euros expensive, largely funded by donations rehabilitation services to Broken taken: The Denkzeichen freight station, which commemorates the deportation of Jews, Gypsies, and had been renovated only two months ago for 41 000 euros. City Council Member Peter Schmidt discovered the damage on Friday. Photo: Roman Bigger Darmstadt In mid-March had been re-erected the memorial mark goods station for the deported Jews, Sinti and Roma to a 41 000 euros expensive, funded in large part by donations remediation. Now it was destroyed again.The city has a complaint."These repeated damage to the freight yard sign thinking makes me very sad and also gives cause for concern," said Mayor Jochen Partsch, who presented himself to become aware of the damage on the freight station.
Against the background of NSU process in Munich, which illuminates how active the militant right-wing terrorism in this country is current, it was necessary to clear up as soon as possible, "if there is a specific right-wing destruction or a criminal damage to property without a political background."
The monument must now together with the victims of the initiative groups owie Denkzeichen investigated and it must be considered how it can be restored again. Partsch: "My goal is to have a dignified and safe place for the memorial mark goods station."
Notes will receive the Police car by phone 06151 969-0.
The Denkzeichen freight station was built in 2004 in memory of the Jews, Sinti and Roma who were 1942/1943 of Darmstadt deported to the extermination camps in the Bismarck / corner of Cherry Avenue in the former goods station. Designed the memorial mark of the artist couple Ritula Frankel and Nicholas Morris. Of a buffer stop railroad tracks leading to a glass cube. Inside the cube there are shards of glass on which 450 names are engraved, representing 3,400 people from Darmstadt and the region, which were brought from this place in the concentration camps of Eastern Europe.
On the night of 9 on the 10th July 2006, the memento was severely damaged at the train by rampaging youths. The memorial mark stood until the end of 2012 in the damaged condition at the train yard. Also on the occasion of the "Darmstadt commemorative year against the forgetting" the cube was then removed, restored and reinstalled.
The costs of around € 41,000 took engaged citizens, institutions and the city of Darmstadt Darmstadt together. During a memorial service in the deportations in 1943 was the last great memento freight station on 11 March has been set up at the start of the commemorative year 2013, "Against Forgetting" again. This commemorative event was a speech by Mayor Jochen Partsch the kick-off event for the anniversary year.