FRANCE 12 .07.2013

PARIS (Reuters) - The order by the city of Marseille surveillance cameras that have stated objective for monitoring Roma or Travellers provokes the indignation of local politicians and an association for the defense of Gypsies. Five listings of the tender to install 407 new cameras, published by the Information Marsactu website (, Roma are indications or Travellers in the category of monitoring objectives.The city of Marseille merely indicated in a statement that "the place of implantation have been the subject of consultation with the National Police."These cameras are designed to show all incivility or delinquent acts that would take place in their scope of observation," says the mayor.But the supervision of a population group has moved politicians and local associations."Roma people are the target of an attempted targeted surveillance, in total violation of the fundamental principles of civil liberties," he said in a statement Madrolle Christopher, vice president of modem urban community of Marseille.

"Stigmatize Roma again by posing as potential delinquents, only grows more with the exception of the last," he said, denouncing "a nod to the National Front."