The fact that many children, although not in the category of children with special needs, yet are sent instead of regular in special schools.
Analyses show that in 2011 Roma children represent 46% of the children selected for special schools and 52% taught in special classes in mainstream schools.
The research was registered and segregation in the education system. Many students informed that in mixed classes accommodating, Roma students sit back or sit in the classroom with another student Rom.One mediator said the school was witnessed in a school Roma children are placed on one side of the classroom, and the other children (mostly of Macedonian ethnic group) are located at the other end of the classroom.
In Kicevo case was registered when a student was given a low rating by the teacher who told her that gives a lower rating because it is Roma. Also was told that if the complaining will be given the lowest score will fall on that subject.
Nakovski Methodius , director of elementary school "scary Pindzur" Gorce Petrov, who has mixed classes said their school is a positive example of integrated education.
"In our school we have a mixed composition, Macedonians, Roma and in general tend to not disrespect or discrimination, educate all children to socialize together, play sports together, because they are getting together and for now we do not have some drastic differences to Not to mention so some discrimination, "said Nakovski.
Sabrioski Sunna , a student at the Faculty of Law says that while there is general discrimination, he personally had positive experiences.
"So far my professors care about their vocabulary, so that in any case there was any direct or indirect discrimination on me, but in general it can be said that there is discrimination, not only Roma but generally to all other ethnic groups," adds Sabrioski.
The report by the institute also noted that many teachers expressed concern for young Roma girls leave school prematurely. One of the reasons for dropout referred by teachers is that girls are getting married soon.
According to a regional survey of UNDP, World Bank and European Commission, only 73% of Roma girls in Macedonia in 2011 were enrolled in primary education, compared with 87% of non-Roma girls. According to the same survey, 70% of Roma women and girls aged 15 to 64 are unemployed, compared with 35% among girls and women non-Roma.
The research was done in Skopje municipalities Gorce Petrov and Chair in cities Kicevo, Kumanovo, Bitola and Stip. In all these cities the Roma parents almost unanimously told that their weak economic position puts them and their children from deprived backgrou