Dear Friends,
I write to you to ask if you may have one of your products that you could donate to an auction being held on line for the above Organization, We are trying to raise funds to enable us to get static residential caravans to use for homeless Roma around Europe and non Europe Countries.
Full details of our project can be seen on our page on Facebook we hope to also have a website up and running very soon.
Over the last few months we have seen a rise in expulsions of Roma Families, homes destroyed and the families left with nothing and no where to go, some have been transported to other Countries and left there to survive on the streets.
The U.N and E.U. Have failed to help the Roma positively we have heard the lip service given to Roma representatives over the years but very little has been seen in positive action, After over 10 years we are still waiting for this Inclusion that has been spoken about.
It is time for Roma to help Roma to unite together and take action ourselves to help these families who are our sisters and brothers. Together with a little work and a whole lot of love we can do this.
Thank you for your time any little thing you can do to help raise funds for this project we would be ext;remely grateful, Thank you for your support.