Since from begin the travels from the mother land to the world something went wrong , most of the time we traveled in the caravan and stayed from place to place since 12 century ago trough India and around the world. The past did for today to not know why we are so non-educated not wiling at the society where we live. As many researcher, professors on Romani history wrote books and many things about the Rroma.
My question how they get those information as we know the Rroma people were only nomads, illiterate, just survivor travelers, doing staff from iron, work with horses and lot things just to survive. One thing hurt me in the 21 century that many people use the Roma for their goals just to get name, money and glory but the people are same discriminated and not welcome to the society.
Nobody knows the real history about us. The history about the Roma start after the second world war before nobody even the German did wrong with the Roma and Jews but after the war start to recognize the things that we are existing in this planet. As one among the very old minorities in the world, I was reading lots of books about the Romani history. In some it is mentioned that Roma people originate from India and others from Egypt. .In most of the books it is written that we originate from India, we have similar outlook, language and the culture. What if we don’t originate from there? Do we have to prove that? You know how it is when you listen all time same story you became skeptic about it.
I would like to open Debate and your opinion about the real Rroma History