Brussels (1 October) -
Today, the European Commission has for the first time given awards for Roma
integration to civil society organisations from Western Balkans and Turkey. The
awards honour the contribution and the valuable work of civil society in supporting
social inclusion of Roma people. The seven winning organisations, announced
during a ceremony in Brussels, have all shown comprehensive and innovative
The winners were chosen
from 21 short listed organisations, mostly working at grass-root level and
either Roma-led or having Roma staff members. The selected projects cover
diverse areas: from education and children's or women's rights, to housing,
employment and health.
"We all - the
European Commission, the governments, civil society organisations - need to
send out the same message: Roma integration is an important policy. And it is
not only investment for the benefit of this minority but it is also an
investment to the benefit of society. Living in an environment in which each
member of society contributes with their spirit and work force, will allow
countries to grow strong and prosperous, from an economic, social and cultural
perspective.", said Štefan Füle, Commissioner for Enlargement and European
Neighbourhood Policy, at the award ceremony.
The award's aim is to
raise the political importance of integration of Roma as part of the
enlargement process, to enhance the role of the civil society and to show the
commitment of the European Commission to support Roma people. Through recognising
the achievements of the winning organisations, the initiative is expected to
support further implementation of the awarded activities. Each of the seven
winners was awarded a prize of €14,000.
Read Commissioner Füle's speech :
Watch the Award for Roma Integration Ceremony : Watch the Award for Roma Integration Ceremony