The Roma Youth Action Plan: a joint venture for Roma youth empowerment

The Roma Youth Action Plan is a response of the Council of Europe to challenges faced by Roma young people in Europe, particularly in relation to their empowerment, participation in policy decision-making processes and structures at European level, and multiple realities of discrimination. The Action Plan is based on the outcomes of the Roma Youth Conference, and complements the Council of Europe Strasbourg Declaration on Roma by associating Roma youth to its implementation.
The Action Plan includes activities of the Youth Department and of other sectors of the Council of Europe, particularly some of the activities of the Team of the Special Representative of the Secretary General on Roma issues (for example, the RoMed programme, the work of the Ad-Hoc Committee of Experts on Roma), the Directorate of Human Rights and Anti-discrimination, along with activities proposed by other partners.
The partners of the Roma Youth Action Plan include, first and foremost, youth organisations: the Forum of European Roma Young People (FERYP), and ternYpe – International Roma Youth Network and the European Youth Forum; the Open Society Foundations, the European Roma Rights Centre, the Roma Education Fund, and OSCE – ODIHR also take part in the plan. The project is also open to other interested stakeholders.

Link : Plan