Tune the Bantry girl's lament, words, Lorcan Otway

Oh tell me, father Michael, What's that I heard you say
That the church for all its past neglect, named a "Gypsy" saint today.
Tell me all the details, I'd really like to know
For its been more than a little time, since to our church, I'd go.

Tell me what his deeds were, and how he came to die.
Was he murdered by the Gadje, while in exile forced to fly
Or hanged by James of Scotland, when Faa was sent away
Or killed by a polish peasant mob on some lonely cold byway

Did he die with the resistance, in that cold Vichy midnight
While bringing food and weapons to carry on the fight
Or aiding Jews and exiles to escape the Nazi scourge
Or killed by a Nazi death squad bent on their racist purge

Did he die in Auschwitz death camp, when Ziguenier Nacht took place
On that day the tens of thousand Rom were murdered for our race
Or in the Czech Republic, thrown from a bridge to die,
O tell me father Michael, was that the reason why

The song gave Lorcan  Otway from USA,