On the occasion of the murder of a Roma person Stanislav Tomas in the Czech Republic, you can see the declaration of the Roma org how they explain the situation so please share this information as much as possible the people in the world need to know what happened. Video footage from Teplice, Czech Republic is being massively shared through social media of police intervention against a young Romani man who later died in the ambulance called to the scene.
Romani community members are comparing his death to the death of George Floyd in the USA, the Afro-American man who was murdered by police in the USA last year 2020. One of the intervening police officers kneeled for several minutes on the Romani man's neck. The young man later died in the ambulance called to the scene by police. Also, the Afro-Americans in the USA people and the Rromani people in Europe treated the same like discrimination, assimilation from other people.