EC's Laszlo Andor, on European funds and the Roma's inclusion
23/04/2013 - Romania this year too may miss the funds that were allocated to it through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development (POSDRU) if the authorities do not speed up the implementation of the measures meant to diminish the risk of financial disengagement, said European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Laszlo Andor on Monday.
'The Romanian Government has implemented a number of actions for improving the absorption of the European funds, but at the same time it is true that the risks of missing the European funds that were allocated for this year have not entirely been removed. I have emphasized the fact that the Romanian authorities must implement the measures necessary for diminishing the disengagement risks and thus stick to a high level of quality for the selection sand checking of the operations. One must learn the lessons of the current programming period so that the negative experiences should be avoided in the future,' said the European Commissioner.
He said that it was absolutely necessary to strengthen the institutional capability in order to prepare the next period of the financial allocation of the European funds, namely 2014-20.'The strengthening of the capability of the institutions to absorb the European funds must be part of the general effort meant to reform the public administration,' said Laszlo Andor.