International Romani Day: Roma Want to be Partners in the Process of Finding Solutions for their Problems

09/04/2013 - The International Romani Day was marked yesterday, April 8, 2013, all over the world. Below is a brief overview of activities marking the International Romani Day in the region of Western Balkans.  

On April 8, the president of Roma Assoiciation Euro Rom from Tuzla Nedžad Jusić set a message to international organisations, governing structures and his fellow Roma that only a common effort can lead to solution of the problems of Roma population in Bosnia and Herzegovina and that the Roma want to be partners to the institutions in the creation of policies aimed to improved the status of Roma in BiH.

Jusić added that the status of Roma in BiH is easily illustrated by the fact that more than 95% of Roma in the country has no regular monthly income, that one in two Roma lack health insurance, that almost two thirds of the Roma live in sub-standard conditions and a huge numbers of Roma children are left out of the school system.
