Fikria Tair joined the Macedonina President's Office in January 2020

Fikria Tair joined the President's Office in January 2020 after years of experience in the civic sector on topics related to Roma education and integration, social inclusion, leadership, advocacy and lobbying, multiculturalism, youth, innovative and entrepreneurial learning, transparency and budget reporting, organizing and empowering the Roma community, political empowerment of Roma women, and other activities and events related to groups with less privileges. 

Fikria was at Central European University (CEU) in Budapest, R. Hungary and Graduate Financial Manager at the Faculty of Economics at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. She is a Fellow of the Roma Education Fund and the Central European University of Budapest, as well as alumni of Romaversitas in Skopje.

Fikria Tair
External Fellow, Multiculturalism Adviser, Policies, Strategies and Programs for Roma Inclusion in the Republic of Northern Macedonia
