Romani CRISS: Raising the self-esteem of Roma ethnics in approach of census of population in Romania

    It is a very important time for the Roma population in Romania, due to the census of population that is to start this month. To this end, Romani CRISS and its partners carries out a series of activities aiming at raising the self-esteem of Roma ethnics and at encouraging the Roma to declare their ethnicity. This is realized through different types of actions (door-to-door campaigns, involvement of very well known Roma who talk face-to-face with members of Roma communities, the march of dignity, attracting support of famous people and human rights NGOs, letter of support with the Roma people from other countries).

Besides that, recent events in Bulgaria, Hungary, the acts of violence and racial hatred against the Roma people were another reason to have events celebrating the Roma identity and showing solidarity with all Roma people.
Please find enclosed links to:
March of dignity
- message of HE Mr. Gittenstein, Ambasador of USA in Romania
- press release of EGAM network regarding the Roma people in Bulgaria and the dignity march
Video message of George Soros: –
Video message of Vadim Kolpakov:
Romani CRISS – TV spot “Declare your ethnicity in the census”:
For further information, please contact us.
Cezara David
Romani CRISS